Let's start with just the word BUREAU, pronounced "byoo ROE". In Europe and England, a bureau is a writing table or a desk. But in the U.S., many people (but not us antique folk) say bureau to mean a chest of drawers (which we now know from the prior post that we call this a commode).
But I'd be remiss if I didn't tell you that there are many different kinds of bureaus. Here are the most important ones:
Bureau à Cylindre, pronounced "..ah see LAN druh", from the French meaning a cylinder front desk (Gramps probably called it a roll top desk). Here's one:

Bureau à Pente, (also less frquently called a bureau de pente), pronounced "ah PAHNT, from the French and meaning any slant front desk, like this one:
List price: $24,350 USD
Bureau Ministre, pronounced "...mee NEES struh" and meaning a large kneehole desk. Here is a truly crummy copy of an antique Bureau Ministre (I don't have any in inventory right now):

Bureau Ministre, pronounced "...mee NEES struh" and meaning a large kneehole desk. Here is a truly crummy copy of an antique Bureau Ministre (I don't have any in inventory right now):
Bureau Plat, pronounced "...PLAH". It is the predecessor of all modern desks, created by Andre Charles Boulle during the reign of Louis XV (Boulle outlived Louis XIV) and is basically a large flat writing surface desk with one drawer below the top and one or two drawers flanking it and raised on four legs. Here's a bureau plat:
List price: $92,800 USD

But hey Buzz! What were the desks called BEFORE the Bureau Plat was invented? Well, bureaus is the simple answer but specifically the 17th c. Baroque Bureau Mazarin (pronounced "MA zuh RAN") named after Cardinal Mazarin in the mid 17th c.) and having 8 legs and mutiple drawers. Here's a jaw dropping bureau mazarin inlaid with ivory and pewter:

List price: $250,000 USD
Very interesting. We unwashed masses would use the word "secretary" to refer to the items pictured in the top three photos. The Bureau à Pente is my favorite. I could see myself paying bills or writing thank you notes on that one. Of course, for that kind of money I could just hire a real secretary--with equally nice legs--to handle my correspondence for an entire year.
Your delightful "Annie" 'shop brings nothing more to mind than Dr. Miguelito Loveless (Michael Dunn). Great fun.
Excellent piece on CON-sole, as well.
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